

Client: Hakutsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Design Company: BULLET Inc.
Art Direction: Aya Codama
Illustration:Miku Sasaki
Country: Japan


Currently, the domestic consumption of sake has fallen to about 1/3 of what it was at its peak, and the younger generation in particular is noticeably turning away from sake. In an effort to revive demand for sake, Hakutsuru Sake Brewery established a project team called "Bekkaku," made up entirely of young employees in their 20s and 30s, and took on the challenge of expressing the appeal of sake in a new way, incorporating plenty of the perspectives and ideas of the younger generation.

Under the concept of "Let's take a peek into the new world of sake," the project planned and developed a sake that would serve as a gateway to a new sake experience, one that young people and beginners would be interested in, naturally pick up, and be surprised by.

The concept was expressed by making a hole in the insect glasses, snorkel, and telescope on the front side of the label, so that the illustration on the inside of the label can be "seen" through the bottle. The illustration appears to be distorted by the refraction of the sake, which is linked to the drinker's feelings of curiosity and anxiety about the unknown nature of sake.