{tabel}’s Authentic Japanese Herbal Tea Series

{tabel}’s Authentic Japanese Herbal Tea series
Client: Tabel.Co.,Ltd.
Design Company: NOSIGNER Co.,Ltd.
(tin) Creative Direction, Art Direction & Design: Eisuke Tachikawa (NOSIGNER)
(box) Creative Direction, Art Direction: Eisuke Tachikawa (NOSIGNER)
(box) Design: Erika Suenaga
Country: Japan
For years, we have been making delicious and healthy tea using plants that are familiar in our lives. We researched this culture, and rearranged it to be enjoyed by people in modern times.
The packaging design uses botanical picture books from 100 years ago as its motif. Black & White photographs of the plants decorate the entire packaging; with vivid color combinations to complement the modern dining settings. In Japan, it is illegal to advertise the medicinal benefits of herbs in F&B products; we chose colors that instinctively convey the products’ benefits: cool down / detox = blue, warmth / better circulation = red, etc. Moreover, we considered easier / functional production methods for small-scale farms and factories to assemble our products.
The tea bags depict the farmers’ and producers’ portraits and behind-the scene stories.