The Greatest Writers Matchbox

The Greatest Writers Matchbox
Client: Kyobo book, Minumsa
Design Company: OIMU
Creative Director: Minseong Jeon
Art Director: Sohyun Shin
Country: South Korea
"Five writers were selected and their literary works from the Complete series of world literature of Minumsa, the largest general trade publisher in Korea.
· Hermann Hesse : Demian
· Ernest Hemingway : The old man and the sea
· Albert Camus : (L')Etranger
· Françoise Sagan : Aimez-vous Brahms
· Jack Kerouac : On the road
From the selections above, 'OIMU The greatest writers matchbox' was designed.
The size of the matchbox is reduced in proportion to the book size. Each writers' illustration and passage are printed on the inside of each matchbox.
Matches has become a declining industry in Asia due to the shrinking number of the demand over time.
The OIMU MATCHBOX project then to extend life of the match industry and have the next generation experience the old way by converting matches from a necessity in the past to the present item of personal preference through the package design.
It is nostalgic to the older generation and presents unfamiliar charm of the matches to the younger generation. This project takes the role of a bridge that connects the value of the past being forgotten with the present."

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