SG Plus Repellent Aroma Mist "Mosquitoes hate pepper"

SG Plus Repellent Aroma Mist "Mosquitoes hate pepper"
Client: SG Hangooksamgong
Design Company: JiyounKim Studio
Creative Director: Jiyoun Kim
Country: Korea
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"JiyounKim Studio presents SG Plus Repellent Aroma mist: Mosquito hates a black pepper which is collaborated with SG Hangook Samgong. 'Mosquitoes hate pepper' is a new organic product of SG Group which is made of Icardin from the black pepper.
Jiyoun Kim tried to approach in new ways to present a different value of the new generation repellent mist because SG group start to enter the insect repellent market and should compete with exiting companies. Most competitors recently have emphasized organic and eco-friendly concept thus they need to differentiated their product over the competition. For this reason, Jiyoun Kim was focused on finding the ingredient of repellent mist so he wanted to deliver the memorable and intuitive message 'Mosquitoes hate pepper' to the customers."

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