Here!Sod T-shirt

Here!Sod T-shirt
Client: Here!Sod
Design Company: Prompt Design
Creative Direction: Somchana Kangwarnjit
Art Direction: Passorn Subcharoenpun
Design: Chidchanok Laohawattanakul, Mathurada Bejrananda
Country: Thailand
Here!Sod created a new line of t-shirts in simple yet distinctive packaging resembling produce / products found in your average supermarket.
Each shirt is custom packaged - for example, to resemble a piece of meat or a cold beverage. Although the packaging is simply novel, it creates a fun and engaging shopping experience for the consumer.
The unique packaging creates instant brand recognition which generated a large volume of word-of-mouth advertising.

Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.