Thai Wisdom Rice

Thai Wisdom Rice

Client: Healthy Food Healthy Life
Design Company: Prompt Design
Creative Direction: Somchana Kangwarnjit
Design: Pongpan Boonmak, Thankamon Uthaitham
Country: Thailand


The rice we consume in everyday life is produced through modern conventional mass production. Many people may question if this production process is actually good enough for us. Therefore we make a research to confirm that the traditional rice growing process without any machines will yield better quality rice.This ancient Thai wisdom rice farming includes soil preparation using buffalo, seedling preparation and transplanting, hand sowing, hand harvesting, manual threshing and husking.

The experimental result reveals that the jasmine rice yielded from traditional farming is of higher nutrients. The brand- Healthy Food Healthy Life was introduced to the market because the new trend of consumption, especially that of healthful and non-toxic and environmental friendly food is a driving force from the emerging new group of consumers who demand organic rice with high nutritional values


Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.