SAIB Premium Condom

SAIB Premium Condom
Client: SAIB & Co.
Design Company: SAIB & Co.
Creative Direction: Jiwon Park
Design: Jungmin Choi
Country: Korea
The sexual wellness brand SAIB was initiated to take away the stigma surrounding contraception and to tackle entrenched cultural taboos around women's sexuality. The brand name “SAIB” (/seiv/) is an inversion of the word “BIAS,” signaling an overturning of the gender “bias” in Korea in order to destigmatize women’s engagement with sexual activity. The brand supports female empowerment with a mission to normalize the perception of sexual wellness, redefining them as a natural and healthy part of life.
The major condom brands in the Korean market today are produced and designed solely for male consumers. Everything about the condom, from its branding to its package design to its tone of communication, is geared towards men. This characteristic creates an invisible barrier against women, indoctrinating them into believing that condoms are solely the property of men, a sad reality that pushes women further away from this market at every step.
In attempts to defy the male-dominant image promoted by current sexual wellness products, the brand SAIB is designed to resemble female cosmetic brands rather than typical condom brands. It uses verbal and visual expressions that resonate with women. As an extension of the company’s mission to destigmatize negative perceptions around women exercising sexual agency, SAIB products are designed with bright color and positive tone, so that women feel comfortable and proud to carry and use them without any shame or stigma.
Furthermore, SAIB condoms are packaged in stylish, discreet tin cases so that women can carry them without feeling embarrassed. Its resemblance to everyday cosmetic products encourages first-time consumers to enter the market with minimal hesitation. The packaging also prevents unwanted damage and deterioration to the condoms by preventing them from bending and by lessening any unnecessary friction or prolonged exposure to body heat.
SAIB believes that buying, carrying, using, and talking about sexual wellness products should be something women are proud, instead of ashamed, to do. The brand hopes to cultivate a culture in which women actively participate in their sexual autonomy and take control of their own bodies and sexual health.