Okome no Otegami

Okome no Otegami
Client: Fureai Farm Sangamura
Design Company: siroionaka design office
Designer: Adachi Asami
Copywriter: Takamasa Yokota
Country: Japan
Tokamachi is located in South of Niigata prefecture. North east of Tokamachi, there is a small villaged called Sangamura Village. In early Spring with the temperature difference between day and night, rice field is filled with natural spring water from the melted snow. People appreciates nature in a way that they would keep the use of pesticides and any chemical fertilizers as minimal as possible.
Such gentle and warm village scene, and the feeling of the village people involved with rice farming are reflected on the packaging. The name of the product is "Letter of rice" in Japanese, the faces of a white goat and a black goat were used on the individual package of the gift set which is a reminiscent of a childhood rhyme of the village "Received a letter from the white goat, but was eaten by the black goat without reading it". In addition, simply would want to put a smile on the face of whom receiving.

Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.