KOCOSTAR Slice Mask Sheet

Design Company: KOCOSTAR (Korea Cosmetic Star)
Designer: He Je. Kang


Often beauty masks are composed of only a piece of sheet shaped to one's face. Customers unfold and adjust it to their face line and attach on the face.  

I remember my mother put cucumber sliced on her face for moisture & soothing in summer season. She looks so cute and funny.

KOCOSTAR SLICE MASK SHEET’s design started from the good memory of cucumber slices on my mother’s face.

We chose 5 different fresh vegetable & fruits (Cucumber, Lemon, Tomato, Watermelon, and Pineapple), and printed the slice on a sheet to put on the film.

To use,  you just take one piece from the next and put it on your face, neck, arms and legs - wherever you want to put it.

We put them in transparent packages to show our cute & funny & fresh Slice Mask Sheet to customers. You can see very fresh vegetables & fruits with front side and the slice sheet mask with back side.


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