Hocho-Kobo Tadafusa

Hocho-Kobo Tadafusa
Client: Tadafusa co.,ltd.
Design Company: Design Studio S (Product Design)
Hiromura Design Office (Graphic Design)
Creative Director: 13th president Masashichi Nakagawa
Product Design: Fumie Shibata (Design Studio S)
Graphic Design: Masaaki Hiromura (Hiromura Design Office)
Photo: Takumi Ota
Country: Japan
"A request from the 13th president Masashichi Nakagawa of Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten led us to our participation in this project.
Taking the diverse range of kitchen knives made by the craftsmen of Tsubamesanjo, Masashichi Nakagawa initiated the idea to carefully select forms needed for a household as 「基本の3本、次の1本」("The Basic 3, and the Next 1").
In our current contemporary style in dining, the boundary between Japanese and Western cuisine ceases to exist; using Japanese ingredients for Western cooking, eating Western foods on Japanese plates — a lifestyle where we have the freedom of mixing.
As Japanese and Western items coexist in the kitchen, we thought to make something that will gently meld into this way of living whilst bringing forward the full potential of Japanese manufacture.
Since the kitchen knives of Tadafusa are wonderful and high in quality, I considered the handle's material use of wood and form to create a knife that can be used everyday with a familiar fit in one's hand.
The packaging is a reusable container, and can be posted to Tadafusa with your knife to be sharpened. While it's important to have the habit of sharpening the knives yourselves, in the circumstance of a chipped blade, a professionally sharpened knife is truly exceptional. By taking care of the product through frequent maintenance, it would be nice if you can lovingly use the kitchen knife for a very long time."
See details of the full lineup here

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