dou dou

dou dou coffee bags
Client: dou dou bake
Art Direction/Graphic Design: Koyuki Inagaki
Printing: Paper and Print
Special thanks: Joey Mah, Keith Koay
Country: Japan/Malaysia
Branding and packaging design for a bakery cafe ‘dou dou’ in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
The branding is characterised by ovals that are drawn from the shapes of doughs. No alignment, no straight lines. The loose graphics are designed to complement the carefree, honest and easygoing personality of the neighbourhood bakery.
As a bakery that could be part of your everyday life, all items were carefully controlled to not 'over-design', while presenting a distinct aesthetics of its own. Although designs are kept to its minimum, every element is carefully drawn and designed to suit the quality of the breads offered.