
Client: New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
Design Company: CoDesign Ltd
Creative Director: Eddy Yu and Hung Lam
Designer: Simpson Tse
Country: Hong Kong
Outstanding in Form | BEVERAGE
“正豆” means “good beans” in Cantonese. Made from organic soy beans, the product is produced and packaged by people in recovery (PIR) in the social enterprise food factory - drinks330 of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association in Hong Kong. Upholding its mission to produce high quality products, the production process was accredited with ISO22000 and HACCP.
The idea of square packaging comes from squarely cut bean curds sold in the local wet market. This form echoes with the word “正” (square in Cantonese) in the brand name and gives a strong and nostalgic visual for its customers. The packaging also features the producers’ stories. Through purchasing O’Beans, customers can support the work training of PIRs and enjoy good health.”

Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.